My Go-To Stay Healthy Cold and Flu Protocol

One of my missions as a Therapeutic Herbalist and Functional Nutritionist is to pass along the knowledge and skills that will have you Kitchen Witching it up first before going to your local drugstore for cold medicine, or handling an incoming cold or flu before it becomes a situation that you need to see your doctor for. 

Right off the bat, let me say that what I am about to tell you is NOT medical advice, nor is anything I’m going to say meant to suggest that you shouldn’t go see your doctor or take antibiotics when necessary. This information is meant to help you build a sustainable go-to approach for when it is cold and flu season so that you may stay ahead of the curve by keeping your immune system strong, as well as learn how to address a cold or flu in its first critical moments, which can cut down on how long you feel like crap…or eliminate the cold or flu entirely (yay!). 


A little self awareness goes a long way…

If I can pass along one of the most critical parts of staying healthy during cold and flu season, it is to have an increased sense of self awareness when it comes to feeling a little run down, or having just a slight tickle in your throat, or a sneeze that felt weird…seriously…for me it’s those weird sneezes that let me know it’s time to deploy the arsenal listed below.

Ok enough small talk…in lieu of pithy stories before giving you the goods, I’m just going to cut right to the chase and deliver.

The Basics for General Good Health 

(meant to be taken daily – I have no affiliation with these brands and products…just ones I feel confident in recommending from experience):

  • Water

    • At least half your body weight in oz of filtered water per day. 

    • Ex: 140 lbs = 70 oz/d or 4.5 16 oz water bottles a day (use a glass bottle like Glasstic if possible)

  • Multi-vitamin (Brands I love: ThorneGarden of LifePure EncapsulationsDesigns for Health)

  • Magnesium – 300 mg/d 

  • Vitamin D3 – At least 2000 IU/d (with Vit K2 even better!)

  • Omega 3’s – 2g/d DHA & EPA

  • Vitamin C – 500-1000 mg/d

  • Zinc – 10-15 mg/d (typically in a good multivitamin like the ones I linked to above)

  • CoQ10 – 200 mg/d 

  • Probiotics: Look for something with 15 Billion Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium combined (such as any of the Garden of Life Probiotics or VSL #3 Probiotics – if you want to read some pretty cool studies on this probiotic follow this link, courtesy of the brilliant Dr. Rhonda Patrick)

  • Immune Supportive Herbs and Herbal Remedies (Elderberry Syrup and/or Fire Cider (each can be taken daily 2 Tbsp or 1 shot glass per day or so), Astragalus & Reishi Tea (2-3 cups of tea, etc. See included recipes)

  • Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut, Kimchee, Kombucha, Fermented Veggies

  • Nourishing Foods (soups, teas and nourishing infusions, smoothies, hummus)

But it’s not all about what you put in your body…it's also about what you put in your mind and what environment you spend most of your time in.

Basic Winter or Anytime Self Care

Sleep (7-9 hours seems to be the ‘sweet spot’ in terms of maintaining a healthy immune response as well as for all cause mortality risks)

Sunlight/Nature Therapy


  • Yoga, Nature Walks, Dance, Martial Arts or any movement that inspires you. 

Play, Laughter, and Time Spent with Loved Ones

  • This can be incorporated into movement as well

  • Spending time with friends and family that bring out the best in you, not the stress in you 

Hand Sanitizer/Hand Washing

  • First of all…washing your hands is the most ideal…and while some are not fans of using a hand sanitizer…I am not one of them. What’s more important to me is that you use a non-toxic hand sanitizer that will not disrupt your endocrine system with sketchy chemicals. Essential oil based hand sanitizers are absolutely appropriate for everyday use and in my experience have helped cut down on picking up any weird sicknesses. 

  • Use after going into public places, pumping gas, using public bathrooms, paying for something at the drugstore, etc. 

  • Some good ones are doTerra’s ‘On Guard’ and the Everyone Hand Sanitzers

  • Just be sure what you choose does NOT have triclosan, Sodium Lauryl SulfateSodium Laureth SulfateFragrance (unless from essential oils) and Phthalates, Parabens, or Alcohol in them.

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One of my favorite hand sanitizers, OnGuard.

Weird sneeze? Scratchy throat? Suddenly a bit malaise? What happens if you think you’ve caught something funky?

A little self awareness can go a long way…as soon as you feel these things…hop into action with the protocols below and stick with them until symptoms subside.

At the onset of cold or flu symptoms (scratchy throat, malaise, fatigue, general icky feelings):

Oil of Oregano

  • Can be used in capsule form, such as in the GaiaOregamax, or Whole Foods brands. You can use the tincture form as well but due to the amount that is needed, it might be easier to maintain consistency with capsules

  • 3 Capsules in the morning, and 2-3 capsules in the evening until symptoms subside

  • Note: Oregano can cause reactions in people allergic to Lamiaceae family plants, including basil, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, and sage.

  • Other Note: Your burps will probably taste like pizza…do not let that deter you!! Better to have pizza burps for a few days than flu that knocks you out for who knows how long…embrace the pizza burps!!

  • While there are many benefits to Oil of Oregano, specifically when it comes to colds and flu and other respiratory infections, it can be used in a similar manner to traditional antibiotics and may particularly be a good choice for those who have antibiotic resistance.

Elderberry Syrup 

  • I recommend The Prana House’s ‘Be Well’ Blend for quality and effectiveness…although she’s frequently sold out of it…so make sure to get it while it’s in stock and also making your own is another option

  • 2 Tbsp or a shot glass full every hour until symptoms subside.

  • You can also follow the included recipe and drink the whole preparation within 24 hours.

  • New Study has shown not only that when Elderberry is used within 48 hours of the onset of influenza A or B virus, it shortens the duration of flu symptoms by an average of four days, but they also ‘block the virus from entering, or even attaching to, our healthy cells, when taken preventatively during flu season’ (Torabian et al., 2019).

You can add Fire Cider or swap it out with Elderberry Syrup

Fire Cider:

  • I love Arete’s Fire Cider blend, and again, making your own is always fun!

  • 2 Tbsp or a shot glass full every hour until symptoms subside. 

  • This is super spicy, so it may not be the best option for those who experience acid reflux.

  • While there are not many studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of this traditional tonic, there are thousands of anecdotal accounts of how effective this remedy is, especially when taken consistently after ‘the weird sneeze’ or whatever signal you get that lets you know you’re about to get really sick. It is filled with all of nature’s natural anti bacterial, anti microbial, antiinflammatories, circulatory and immune boosting herbs, not to mention digestive supporting herbs and foods, and it even helps to support the gut microbiota due to it’s fermented nature. Most preparations include some ratio of Garlic, Onion, Horseradish, Cayenne, Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Honey, and maybe has some herbs like Fennel, in there as well. Recipe included below.

NAC & Alpha Lipoic Acid

Amino Acids that aid in detoxification and eases the burden on your liver, helping you clear toxins and pathogens with more ease, helping to reduce the toll the flu may take on you (length and severity). Taking these supplements especially at the onset of getting sick is a GAME CHANGER…they are also amino acids that support you any old time, so they’re good ones to have around in general. 

Vitamin C

Can take up to 2000 mg/d; start with 1000 mg/d and take to bowel tolerance


Can take 15-30 mg/d until symptoms subside


Drink AT LEAST half your body weight in oz of liquids (if not more). This can include teas and broths as well.


Rest and self care baby

When to see your doctor or seek emergency medical care:

  • Pronounced lethargy, with or without a fever. If your child is totally disinterested in playing and/or food and just seems seriously “off,” call your doctor.

  • Fever over 100.4°F (38°C) in a young baby (under three months).

  • High fever over 103.5°F (39.7°C) or persistent fever (>3 days).

  • Difficulty breathing, with rapid, shallow breathing and wheezing sounds.

  • Persistent or extremely painful earache, sore throat, severe headache, or stomachache.

  • A red streak emanating from a wound.

  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea: If your child hasn’t urinated at least once every eight to twelve hours, she may be dehydrated. Other symptoms of dehydration include a lack of tears when crying, dry mouth, soft fontanel (soft spot on a baby’s skull), and sunken eyes. Blood in the vomit or diarrhea is also cause for concern.

  • Fever, stiff neck, and headache are symptoms of possible meningitis. A child with meningitis often exhibits only two out of the three previously listed symptoms. In babies, a bulging fontanel (soft spot) can be an indicator of meningitis or other potentially serious conditions. When an infant is crying, lying down, or vomiting, fontanels may bulge, but they should return to normal when the infant returns to a calm, head-up position. Immediate, emergency care is called for if any infant exhibits a bulging fontanel, especially with lethargy or fever.


While everyone’s immune system is different, following these protocols should in general keep you healthy and happy throughout this and any other cold and flu season. Again, one of the biggest components of staying healthy is to pay attention to when your body is getting run down and you’re about to be sick. Yay self awareness!! It goes a long way…in physical health…in mental health…in navigating out of all kinds of toxic situations and environments, may they be physical or energetic. 

Here’s to your health and you enjoying the present moment of your life. If you are interested in working with me on an individual basis to support your health needs, you can book a session with me at The Prana House in West Chester, or via Skype by contacting me via email at

The makings of my own Elderberry Syrup.

The makings of my own Elderberry Syrup.


Elderberry Syrup 

1 cup dried elderberries

4 cups water

1 Tbsp dried cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

1 teaspoon dried cloves or 10 whole cloves or 3 drop clove essential oil

2-3” fresh ginger or 2 drops ginger essential oil

Can add echinacea, astragalus, ashwagandha, dried hawthorn berries, and any other berries you like

5-7 drops OnGuard Essential Oil

1 cup raw (local if possible) honey

¼ cup organic ACV (optional)


– In a large pot, add all of the ingredient except for the honey and bring to a boil.

– Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until the liquid has reduced by half, about 40-45 minutes.

– Allow the liquid to cool, and then drain the liquid using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.

– Press all liquid out of the berries using the back of a wooden spoon.

– Add the raw honey and ACV if including, and mix well.

– Store in an airtight glass container in the refrigerator for up to two months.


Fire Cider Recipe (Adapted from Rosemary Gladstar’s Recipe)

½ cup grated fresh horseradish root

½ cup or more fresh chopped onions

¼ cup or more chopped garlic

¼ cup or more grated ginger

Rind from 1 organic orange

Rind from 1 organic lemon

Chopped fresh or dried cayenne pepper ‘to taste’. Either whole or powdered is fine. ‘ To Taste’ means should be hot, but not so hot you can’t tolerate it. You can always add more pepper later if necessary if you decide you want more kick.

Optional ingredients; Turmeric, Echinacea, cinnamon, fennel seeds, coriander, etc.


– Place herbs in a half-gallon canning jar and cover with enough raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to cover the herbs by at least three to four inches. Cover tightly with a tight fitting lid.

– Place jar in a warm place and let for three to four weeks. Best to shake every day to help in the maceration process.

– After three to four weeks, strain out the herbs, and reserve the liquid.

– Add honey ‘to taste’. Warm the honey first so it mixes in well. “To Taste’ means your Fire Cider should taste hot, spicy, and sweet. “A little bit of honey helps the medicine go down……”

– Fire Cider will keep for several months unrefrigerated if stored in a cool pantry. You can also store in your refrigerator for longer preservation.


Astragalus Immune Support Chai (Adapted from Alchemy of Herbs) (Makes 2 Cups)

15-20 small slices of astragalus root

1 tsp powdered reishi

1 Tbsp dried orange peel OR 2 drops orange EO

2 tsp minced ginger OR 1 drop ginger EO

½ Tbsp cinnamon OR 1 drop cassia EO

½ tsp whole peppercorns

½ tsp cardamom

2 whole cloves OR 1 drop clove EO


Place ingredients in a pot with 2 ½ cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, covered. Strain, add milk (any kind) and honey or monk fruit to sweeten, and serve. You can also make this in a slow cooker and let it infuse overnight. Check water levels to see if you need to add a little more.

Greta Hotmer